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Service:Aguilas de Fuego change

We appreciate your interest in supporting our dance! Before registering as a Fire Keeper, it's essential to engage in a conversation with us or be in the process of completing your 4-year commitment. The role of a Fire Keeper is crucial in traditional ceremonies, necessitating a dedicated 4-year commitment. Initially, you should join as a supporter, and after the first year in this role, we will assess your suitability to become a Fire Keeper.

Led by Xochitlquetzalli and Shimshai, who are custodians of the Temazcal, Teotlac Vision Quest, and Chicuauhtlimetztli Moondance Ceremonies from the Ollintlahuimetztli Lineage.

Our ceremony involves a prayer ceremony with the Grandmother Moon and Mother Earth, fostering harmony with all our relations. The event spans 4 days and nights of sacred dance under the moon, featuring Grandmothers, Elders, and medicine women from around the world.

Location: La Ventana @ Mount Shasta, California.

For more details, please visit our website, and feel free to reach out with any questions by sending a message to [email protected].

Date/time:Select your preferences and choose one of the openings below. (PDT)